Cooling and Freezing

The late 19th and early 20th century saw the development of a number of factories such brickworks, tanneries and the Union Steam Sawmill, operating in Moulder's paddock in the Warrendine area. The sawmill produced timber and shingles used in the construction of many local buildings.

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By 1878, just after the railway came to town, there were six steam flour mills, two lemonade factories, a steam biscuit factory, a steam brick making plant, and a boot manufacturer, all of which relied heavily on water to drive the machinery on which they operated.

More recently industry and manufacturing have relied on steam to drive machinery such as the Emmco Small Arms factory and later Email which used the same machines to produce refrigerators. Water also plays a big part in the cleaning of machinery and the washing of bottles, jars and other equipment used in the manufacturing process.

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